Pro Evolution Soccer kini hadir dalam versi World Cup 2010 untuk ikut menyemarakkan ajang bergengsi empat tahunan ini. Game sepak bola terkenal, keren, dan bagus yang dirilis oleh Konami ini dikemas dalam file sebesar 6,77 GB. Bagi anda yang memiliki koneksi yang super cepat, miliki saja game sepak bola keren ini.
File 6,77 GB tidaklah sedikit. Maka dari itu file game Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 World Cup ini sengaja dipisah agar lebih mudah melakukan download. Jika langsung jadi satu, kalau mati lampu mampus deh. Syukur kalau bisa di-resume, kalau tidak?
Lagipula sang uploader akan pusing jika langsung melakukan uploading sebesar itu. Ya hargai saja dan jika anda ingin memiliki game ini saya akan berikan link untuk mendapatkan game Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 World Cup ini secara gratis dan lengkap beserta serial key atau serial number-nya.
Sebelum itu, ada cuplikan tentang deskripsi yang telah diberikan oleh game sepak bola paling keren ini. Dan berikut deskripsinya:
PES 2010 focuses on enhancing the excitement of matches between players,making for a truly challenging experience that will constantly test theplayer. Intuitive zonal defending will cover spaces and players need to lookconstantly for new ways to attack. PES 2010 focuses on being a real footballsimulation, as it requires both strategic play and quick reactions, as inreal life.In addition to key out-field elements, goalkeepers are moreversatile and with abilities matching those of modern shot-stoppers. game’s referees have also been reworked, with smarter AI elements allowingthem to make more balanced calls during matches.Cara instalasi game ini adalah sebagai berikut:
PES 2010 has undergone a major visual revamp, with its celebrated player likenesses and animations now even closer to those of real-life players including live player expressions to be depicted with an improved lighting system which differentiates between various conditions! Stadium detail is also massively improved, with the grass and other in-stadium elements finely depicted.
- Unrar.
- Burn or mount the images.
- Install the game, use any of the following keys when asked for a serial:
9VNE-M9ME-KY9S-MVCV-27EM - Install the patches from the “Crack” folder & Copy over the cracked exe.
- From DISK2program filesKONAMIPro Evo..folder copy in you installed game folder
the “MWWC” folder & from the “Crack” folder copy in My Documents the Konami folder - in the “MWWC” folder double click on “manager” exe and atached the settings form kitserver
- Play the game.
Link download ditaruh dalam file TXT yang harus anda download terlebih dahulu. Ini dilakukan untuk mencegah error link dan agar link bisa selalu digunakan dan file tidak dihapus.
Download Link from Ziddu file update: 16 Juli 2010 Artikel Terkait di Bawah posting
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